The president of the U S bishops 39 conference on Aug 19 asked Catholic bishops across the country to take up a special collection for humanitarian needs and pastoral support for Christians and other victims of violence in the Middle East Amid the ongoing crisis in what is quot the cradle of Ch
'Padre Tono' says he is victim of political persecution
"Gaza is on the brink of collapse at this point," says a CRS official.
Shouting slogans such as "Obama, Obama, where are you? Iraqi Christians need you!" and "Stop the violence in Iraq!" about 150 protesters marched through the streets of downtown Detroit on Aug. 1 to call awareness to the violent persecution of Christians in their native land.Later
Thomas H. Smolich, outgoing president of the U.S. Jesuit Conference, to be the next director
Bishops on root causes of the border crisis and the need to care for children and families
Iraqi Christians brave heat to demand help from United Nations
Votes fall short on bill in response to Hobby Lobby
Doctors who refuse to prescribe birth control pills have become the focus of a debate over physicians' rights to freedom of conscience and religion when practicing medicine.An Alberta doctor faces a human rights complaint for posting a notice at the clinic where she works that she will not presc
Papal astronomer Br. Guy Consolmagno wins Carl Sagan Medal for "outstanding communication."