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Catholic News Service
Under a bill called: ""Removing Clergy Exemption from Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting," a controversial new measure offered by a California state senator, priests would be required to report to civil authorities what they learn in confession about sexual abuse.
Catholic News Service
From that would come increased dialogue and synodality within the church, and greater lay participation.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
Bishop Michael C. Barber of Oakland, in releasing the list, said its publication was an "act of contrition" and an attempt to bring comfort to survivors of clergy abuse.
Catholic News Service
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, the president of the U.S.C.C.B., speaks on the removal of Theodore McCarrick from the priesthood: "For all those McCarrick abused, I pray this judgment will be one small step, among many, toward healing.”
Catholic News Service
Cassin established and chaired the Cassin Educational Initiative Foundation in 2000 to help support private college preparatory middle and high schools in low-income communities.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
President Donald Trump told the National Prayer Breakfast that his administration would defend the right of faith-based adoption agencies to place children in families based on firmly held religious beliefs.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
Arlington Bishop Michael F. Burbidge called on Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam Feb. 2 "to do what is best to restore the trust and confidence of the people in our leaders" after a racist photo from the governor's 1984 medical school yearbook emerged a day earlier.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
Pope Francis met with family members of Italian Jesuit Father Paolo Dall'Oglio, whose fate is still unknown after he was kidnapped in Syria in 2013.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service

NEW YORK (CNS) -- Since Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed New York's new expansive abortion measure into law Jan. 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, some Catholics have called for the governor, who is Catholic, to be excommunicated.

Cuomo fully backed the Reproductive Health Act as it made its way through the Legislature. It expands access to abortion, allows late-term abortions and lets nondoctors perform abortions.

Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
A controversial China-funded dam project in Myanmar must be stopped, said Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of Yangon, noting that the affected river is the country's most sacred symbol.