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Politics & SocietyNews
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
Cardinal George Pell praised Pope Francis’ reforms to improve transparency in the institution while addressing questions raised by recent financial scandals in the Catholic Church.
Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia during a news conference at the Vatican on Feb. 4, 2015, holding his glasses in hand.
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
The Vatican czar on life issues, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, is on a mission to bring Pope Francis’ holistic pro-life vision to the United States.
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
Outspoken papal critic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò released a letter Monday blaming “deep state” forces in the United States, the European Union and NATO for triggering the current war and demonizing Russia.
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
The number of Catholics in the world grew by more than 15 million from 2018 to 2019. But in Europe, the number of Catholic faithful decreased by almost 300,000.
Politics & SocietyNews
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
Pope Francis called for greater female leadership in world affairs, telling the Women’s Forum G-20 that “our world needs the collaboration of women, their leadership and their abilities, as well as their intuition and their dedication.”
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg speaks during a three-day Youth for Climate summit in Milan, Italy, Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2021.
Politics & SocietyNews
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
But the pope also encouraged activists to help rebuild society’s “fabric of relationships” by working towards unity rather than division.
Pope Francis speaks during his general audience in the Paul VI hall at the Vatican Sept. 1, 2021.
Politics & SocietyNews
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
The preparation process and the 2023 Synod have the potential to revolutionize the way decisions are made in the Catholic Church and promote a more decentralized structure of authority.
Arts & CultureFilm
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
“I’m completely immersed in something way bigger than myself,” actor Shia LaBeouf said in an Instagram post published by Capuchin Friar Hai Ho last week.
Politics & SocietyNews
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
While the Taliban have promised not to shed any blood, some locals fear that the Islamist regime will lead to persecutions and violence.
Gianmarco Tamberi, of Italy, competes in the preliminary round of the men's high jump at the 2020 Summer Olympics, Friday, July 30, 2021, in Tokyo. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
Arts & CultureNews
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
“As Pope Francis says, sport is a place of encounter and formation, but also evangelism and sharing of the Christian message.”