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The Editors
Small-scale fixes may be more successful than comprehensive immigration reform.
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The Editors
Making Peace with Terrorists; Duty Bound; Repeating History
The Editors
The courts must deal with juveniles in a manner that is both just and compassionate.
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The Editors
An Acting President?; Money, Feel Free to Speak; Dream Daddies
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The Editors
Defining Aggression; National Day of Prayer; A Win-Win Situation
The Editors
No human can calculate the cost of the oil spill to God's good creation.
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The Editors
Pastoring the South Shore; No Bailout for Teens; Words, Words, Words
The Editors
Let us not write off so easily a police procedure that has helped protect civil liberties for decades.
The Editors
In the church's new birth this Pentecost, a birth by fire, some things must die.
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The Editors
Sin Inside the Church; Failure Prone Climate Bill; Kony at Large