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The O’Hare Fellowship is a program of America Media and is co-sponsored by Fordham University. The fellowship is named in honor of Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J., who was editor in chief of America (1975-84) and president of Fordham University (1984-2003)
In All Things
The Editors
These O’Hare fellows will be uniquely suited to pursue successful careers in the Catholic media or other forms of professional journalism.
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The Editors
On April 8, the world witnessed a great leap forward for human spaceflight.
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The Editors
It is exceedingly unlikely that only 0.03 percent of government surveillance requests are unjustified.
The Editors
This is grim news all around at a grim time for Chicago.
Homes line a dirt road in 2014 on the Rosebud Reservation in south central South Dakota. Poverty and addiction are major contributing factors to the high suicide rate on the Lakota reservation. (CNS photo/Ron Wu, Catholic Extension)
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The Editors
Indigenous communities in parts of North America are suffering.
The Editors
“The Joy of Love experienced by families is also the joy of the Church.” So begins Pope Francis’ long-awaited apostolic exhortation “The Joy of Love” (“Amoris Laetitia”). The statement draws on the conclusions of the Synod of Bishops, which ga
The Editors