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The Editors
How we respond to events of inexplicable violence both reflects and shapes our values.
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The Editors
Shocking Assaults in India: Courage on the Court; Poverty and Generosity
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The Editors
Copts Under Seige; Who's Minding the Children? Eyes Wide Shut
CNS photo/Mike Crupi, Catholic Courier
The Editors
Over the long term, wealth inequality is an imbalance that threatens the common good.
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The Editors
The Torture Report; Forgetting Sandy Hook
The Editors
This Holy Week, we pray for all those affected by the Boston Marathon bombing and remember that ours is the God of Good Friday, who understands suffering and "will help us move beyond the blood and the tears."
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The Editors
Voice of Conscience; George Shultz, Mr. Sunshine; Keystone State
The Editors
Women in every social class are choosing to delay marriage. How should the church respond?
The Editors
Why are some in Washington starstruck by austerity, a bad idea whose time has not come?
Flag with image of late Archbishop Oscar Romero seen during march prior to assassination anniversary in San Salvador
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The Editors
The new pope might consider the cause of Oscar Romero with renewed seriousness.