Elizabeth Grace Matthew works in higher education. She holds a B.A. in English literature from the University of Pennsylvania, an M.A. in English literature from Penn State University, and an Ed.D. in educational leadership from St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia.
Arts & CultureBooks
Reality is messier than than fiction that reduces historical figures like Hillary Clinton to the sum of her most oversimplified virtues and vices.
Arts & CultureIdeas
In 1862, Harriet Beecher Stowe made feeling right on race easy, righteous and comfortable, all at once. We face the same trap today.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Generation X came of age in a culture awash in dreams of women’s perpetual and idealized childhood being sold as feminist empowerment.
Arts & CultureIdeas
I do not mean that we need to stop having children. I mean that we need to stop engaging in the practices that have coincided with the widespread usage of “parent” as a verb.
Arts & CultureIdeas
The queen of ‘tidying’ is captivating audiences with this question: What do you truly value?
Arts & CultureBooks
The various arguments around Little Women have long boiled down to: does the novel empower women, or does it oppress them?