
Francis X. Clooney, S.J., is the Parkman Professor of Divinity at Harvard University, and a scholar of Hinduism and Hindu-Christian studies. He wrote for America’s In All Things column between 2007 and 2016. His latest book, The Future of Hindu-Christian Studies, has recently been published by Routledge.
In All Things
Tirupati India Tirupati is a temple town out in the middle of the plains of Andhra Pradesh From those plains seven hills arise green and cool all the more powerful with their craggy cliffs At the top of the hills mdash the Tirumala holy mountain mdash sits what is said to be the most popu
In All Things
Cambridge MA The Pope rsquo s comment to a boy whose dog had died that ldquo Paradise is open to all of God rsquo s creatures rdquo made the news everywhere today December 12 including a front page article in the New York Times Since James Martin SJ quoted in the Times article has a
In All Things
To her devotees, Amma is a concrete presence of the divine, a kind of living sacrament.
In All Things
Pope Francis put an amazingly open and inclusive vision before his audience.
In All Things
Christian politicians have obligation to work not just for the "hard-working middle class," but also for the immigrants, poor, unemployed, underpaid and homeless.
In All Things
A request for reader input on this Sunday's readings: Are Christian politicians obliged to follow some parts of the Bible and not others?
In All Things
Cambridge MA I was intrigued to read in today rsquo s New York Times October 11 an article by Mark Oppenheimer on ldquo conditionalism rdquo a theological perspective on the non-eternity of hell proposed in modern times by Dr Edward Fudge Read it yourself here In my morning scan of the pa
In All Things
Cambridge MA It is more than enough of an opportunity for those of us who are Christian to be mindful during the next days that Jews are observing a series of most intense and varied holy days mdash from last night September 24 Rosh Hashanah year 5775 to Yom Kippur October 3 the day of Ato
In All Things
Cambridge MA I am just returned from Loyola University in Chicago where I was graciously hosted for two days by Mark Bosco SJ Director of the Joan and Bill Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage I met with doctoral students for a long lunch that had to do with a range of topics in
In All Things
Revered teacher, who died Aug. 20, emphasized yoga for health.