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Gerald O’Collins, S.J., was an Australian Jesuit priest, a longtime professor at the Gregorian University in Rome and a prominent systematic theologian. He died on Aug. 22, 2024.

Gerald O'Collins
An analysis of the encyclical 'Spe Salvi'
Gerald O'Collins
In its notification on two works by Jon Sobrino, S.J., the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith recalls and re-affirms some utterly basic Christian teachings about Jesus Christ—above all, that Jesus was truly divine and fully human.
Arts & CultureBooks
Gerald O'Collins
Now two years into his papacy Pope Benedict XVI has published a work that is fast becoming a bestseller everywhere ldquo This book rdquo he stipulates ldquo is in no way an exercise rdquo of his official magisterium but ldquo solely rdquo a testimony to his ldquo personal search for the f
Gerald O'Collins
From its opening session in October 1962 until its close 40 years ago in December 1965, the Second Vatican Council held millions of Catholics and others riveted.
Arts & Culture
Gerald O'Collins
The paintings on the walls of the Brancacci Chapel in Florence show Masaccio (1401-28) at his artistic and spiritual best, least in the way he links Adam and Eve with Christ. Driven from the Garden of Eden, our first parents are in despair.
Arts & CultureBooks
Gerald O'Collins
Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code is a fast-paced, well-plotted murder mystery that takes the reader through the Louvre a long night of murders and a police chase out of Paris to a wet morning in London. There the identity of the evil Teacher who masterminded the killings is revealed.
Sacro Monte di Crea; The finding of the empty tomb of Christ, statues by Antonio Brilla, 1889 (Wiki Commons) 
Gerald O'Collins
As Easter comes round again, many wonder how to understand the resurrection of Jesus Christ and its message for us.
Gerald O'Collins
A friend of mine who teaches homiletics recently examined and compared dozens of Christmas sermons published by seven major 20th-century theologians. She was happy to report that the divine love figured prominently in those sermons. The seven theologians all converged in proclaiming that the birth o
Gerald O'Collins
In These Pages: From December 20, 1975