
Gerard O’Connell is America’s Vatican correspondent and author of The Election of Pope Francis: An Inside Story of the Conclave That Changed History. He has been covering the Vatican since 1985.
FaithVatican Dispatch
The Vatican made the announcement after a meeting between Pope Francis and Aung San Suu Kyi, de facto leader of Myanmar.
FaithVatican Dispatch
The situation in North Korea, he added, has been heated for a long time, "but now it seems it has heated up too much, no?"
FaithVatican Dispatch
Francis took the risk, trusting in God. His decision transmitted a message of hope on the political front to all Egyptians, Christians and Muslims alike, who are well aware that their country is today a target for ISIS terrorists and is engaged in a battle against terrorism.
FaithVatican Dispatch
The pope emphasized that Egypt, because of its history and geographical position, “occupies a unique role in the Middle East.
Politics & Society
“What is needed are peacemakers, not fomenters of conflict; firefighters not arsonists; preachers of reconciliation and not instigators of destruction.”
Politics & SocietyVatican Dispatch
“Peace be with you” was the message of the Risen Jesus to his disciples on the first Easter, and it is the message Francis will bring to the Muslim and Christian communities in this land.
FaithVatican Dispatch
The conference brought together six lay people from different countries “to reflect on the post-synod apostolic exhortation that has aroused grave perplexities and widespread unease in numerous components of the Catholic world.”
FaithVatican Dispatch
Pope Francis will be in Egypt for two days beginning on April 28.
FaithVatican Dispatch
The Vatican spokesman, Greg Burke, told America that no official request for an audience had arrived at the Vatican from the U.S. president as of late Wednesday evening, April 19.
Politics & SocietyVatican Dispatch
Italian media report that a nerve gas was used in yesterday’s attack by the forces of the Assad regime against the rebels in this area.