Gerard O’Connell is America’s Vatican correspondent and author of The Election of Pope Francis: An Inside Story of the Conclave That Changed History. He has been covering the Vatican since 1985.
The first ever meeting between the the heads of the Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches is a truly historic event.
Vatican Dispatch
Pope Francis visits the margins of Mexican society.
In an exclusive interview on China, the pope said, "the Western world, the Eastern world and China all have the capacity to maintain the balance of peace and the strength to do so."
Vatican Dispatch
Cardinal Zen does not trust the Chinese Communist administration.
The Vatican said that during “the cordial discussions” they had spoken about “common spiritual values.”
In his brief message for Lent this year, Francis once again reminds people that throughout human history “God shows himself ever rich in mercy, ever ready to treat his people with deep tenderness and compassion.”
Vatican Congregation's decree reforming the ceremony comes one year after the pope made the decision
In letter to leaders at the World Economic Forum, Francis speaks to challenges of the “fourth industrial revolution"
Vatican Dispatch
Pope Francis is convinced that America can make an important contribution to the resolution of many of the world’s problems through an interreligious dialogue that involves not just words, but also actions.
On his first visit to Rome’s synagogue as pope, Francis called on Catholics and Jews to “strengthen” their common “commitment for peace and justice.”