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Jaime L. Waters teaches at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. She is an associate professor of Old Testament.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
We must be mindful of what is happening to us and around us, responsible for ourselves, our actions and our community.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
Resources (money, talents, faith) should be strengthened and increased, as the woman of power’s example makes clear.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
Jesus provokes his listeners to focus on important matters rather than seeking to justify themselves.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
During a time of much disagreement and uncertainty, today’s readings offer a few reminders.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
Jesus draws on his Jewish heritage to affirm tradition and shine a light on what is most important: love.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
The parable of the wedding banquet provides insights into how to enter and remain in the kingdom of heaven.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
In today’s reading, the entire community is given authority to hold its members to account and rectify wrongful acts.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
Actions reveal character and intention more than words do.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
This problematic parable teaches the importance of mercy, asking for help and granting relief to those in need.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
The parable reminds us that just labor practices are a pro-life issue that should be considered as we discern our election choices.