Politics & SocietyLast Take
“We can speak lightly and, perhaps, skeptically about the grace of office,” writes British Jesuit Father James Hanvey. “In Queen Elizabeth, we saw that grace working.”
Almost 27 years ago I attended a debate between Rowan Williams and Graham Leonard in Christ Church College at Oxford University. The debate was on the possibility of ordaining women to the priesthood. Pope John Paul II had ruled that the Catholic Church was not competent to change the tradition and
In All Things
James Hanvey, S.J., responds to vote for women bishops.
Margaret Thatcher’s historic and haunting legacy
Editor’s note: The historic interview with Pope Francis (Am. 9/30) has generated a great deal of dialogue in the church and in society at large. We asked several writers to offer their reactions to the pope’s words. Selections from these responses are printed below. The full versions of
We think we know the papacy and tend not to expect many surprises from the Vatican. Indeed, part of its "mystique" lies in its apparent immunity to historical change. Yet it does change and it does surprise us. Whether it was the unexpected decision of John XXIII to call a Council, the ele
When the San Francisco Opera premiered Mark Adamo’s opera, “The Gospel of Mary Magdalene,” on June 19th, there was some nervousness that the treatment would cause a backlash from those concerned about whether or not the production would uphold tradition regarding Christian gospels
In All Things
How can we ever forgive Meryl Streep for making Margaret Thatcher lovable Maybe it is because she is an American actress and America can approach Margaret Thatcher with an innocence denied those of us who lived through her 11 years as prime minister nbsp Even before her forced exit from power Baro
Al sureste de Roma se alza la pequeña iglesia de Santa María in Palmis, más conocida como la iglesia del Domine Quo Vadis. El nombre lo toma de una vieja leyenda que narra el encuentro de san Pedro con Cristo cuando el apóstol trataba de huir de la persecución en Roma. “Señor, ¿ad
Just southeast of Rome stands the small church of St. Mary in Palmis, better known as the Church of Domine Quo Vadis. It takes its name from the legend of St. Peter’s meeting with Christ as he flees persecution in Rome. “Lord, where are you going?” Peter asks. “To Rome to be