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The Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author, editor at large at America and founder of Outreach.
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
The New Yorker as a rule is nbsp not nbsp anti-Catholic nbsp I say this as a longtime reader and avid fan nbsp And I say it nbsp despite the fact that the magazine nbsp featured a painting of a crucified Easter bunny during Holy Week in 1995 despite the fact that last year the estimable liter
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Jake Martin SJ nbsp has another terrific piece on a movie you may not have seen or even heard of but should according to Martin see right away nbsp Here s his opening nbsp Adrian Brody has the face of Buster Keaton and the bearing of Raskolnikov He belongs to a time of grainy celluloid a
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Fr Joseph Komonchak at Dotcommonweal has picked up nbsp the Vatican journalist Sandro Magister s nbsp interview on Chiesaexpressonline with Fr Thomas Berg a former Legionary of Christ who is described in Magister s article as follows Father Berg is a member of the Legionaries of Christ since 1
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Sometimes we post on things that have nothing to do with religion nbsp Or as Homer Simpson would say do they For some time since the birth of my two young nephews I ve been thinking about how much nbsp childhood has altered since I was a boy nbsp Yes I know blah blah blah O tempora nb
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp To quote the sportscaster Al Michaels at the end of the U S hockey team s victory during the 1980 Olympics Do you believe in miracles nbsp You have to shout this nbsp if you want to quote him accurately nbsp I do but there are nbsp
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Our editor in chief Fr Drew Christiansen SJ nbsp was nbsp especially busy the last few days--speaking about the Pope Benedict XVI s new encyclical Charity in Truth something he is uniquely positioned to do as a social ethicist as well as on the pope s recent meeting with President Obama some
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Yes you read that headline correctly nbsp Mother Mary McKillop the foundress of the Australian-based Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart nbsp was in 1871 officially excommunicated by her local bishop on the grounds that she she had incited the sisters to disobedience and defiance
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Hard on the heels of the article in The New York Times nbsp about the Apostolic Visitation of women s religious orders in the nbsp United States nbsp and the nbsp Leadership Conference of Women Religious nbsp is today s NPR s
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
The editor in chief of America Drew Christiansen S J has forgotten more about Catholic social teaching than I rsquo ve ever known mdash and he rsquo s not forgotten much nbsp So I urge you to read his commentary nbsp below nbsp on the pope rsquo s new encyclical on social justice and the econ
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
The Boston nbsp Globe running a story by Nicole nbsp Winfield of AP today has reported that the cure of a man from Marshfield Mass has been officially accepted by the Vatican as a cure attributable to the intercession of John Henry Newman clearing the way for his beatification nbsp nbsp We