The Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author, editor at large at America and founder of Outreach.
In All Things
Here is the estimable Ken Woodward of Newsweek on the lessons to be drawn from Obama s visit to ND The message of Notre Dame is that thoughtful Catholics wish this president well They will work with him if he will work with them The courtesies of the president s day at Notre Dame were a reassur
In All Things
Here s a rather lively discussion on the new Ron Howard movie Angels amp Demons along with some um nbsp impassioned listeners on NPR James Martin SJ
In All Things
Rather than editorializing I ll just give you the entire story from CNS nbsp There were two stories in the latest L Osservatore Romano the official Vatican newspaper nbsp One praised him for seeking common ground the other quoted critics of the president nbsp Here s the take from CNS nb
In All Things
nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Thomas J Reese SJ nbsp on Notre Dame from the In Faith Washington Post Newsweek blog President Obama s reception at Notre Dame showed once again that a new generation of Americans includ
In All Things
Here it is nbsp While nbsp there were those who nbsp disagreed with nbsp Notre Dame s decision nbsp to honor the president nbsp the president honored Notre Dame with nbsp his speech nbsp President Obama spoke bluntly and very clearly about his desire to reduce abortions by reducing unwanted p
In All Things
While everyone talks about their opinions on President Obama s speech at Notre Dame today David Gibson s excellent article in the Outlook section of the Washington Post tackles the issue of who is really Catholic and why so many Catholics think that they can make that call nbsp At the end of h
In All Things
nbsp Our blogger and frequent contributor to the mag Tom Beaudoin along with his band mates Brian Robinette and Michael Iafrate have created a new blog--sponsored by Liturgical Press--which will explore the connections between rock and theology nbsp It s nbsp called um Rock and Theology
In All Things
In case you missed it here s Juan Williams of NPR your culture editor and Brian Lehrer on WNYC talking about Obama s visit to Notre Dame along with some very passionate callers nbsp You may recognize some insights from a certain Catholic magazine s recent editorial on the matter James Martin S
In All Things
One of the nbsp great things about John Coleman S J is nbsp his ability to write nbsp on seemingly any topic with great grace and lucidity--from theology to sociology and more recently for nbsp America nbsp on art nbsp Here is Fr Coleman a sociologist associate pastor at St Ignatius Churc
In All Things
More on the protean complicated soon-to-be-Blessed John Henry Newman in the newly rescued Boston Globe Because of his protean mind and voluminous writings then he is beloved by groups that are often at loggerheads More traditional Catholics admire Newman s elegant apologias for Catholicism