The Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author, editor at large at America and founder of Outreach.
JourneysAmerica Journeys
Today, we visited the Baptismal site at Qasr Al Yahoud, which holds the oldest and most ancient tradition for being the place of Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan River.
Where do you experience joy in your life? Where does God bring you joy and where do you bring others joy?
Thinking about the hierarchy these days, in light of the sex abuse crisis, can be difficult.
As St. Francis de Sales said, “Be who you are and be that perfectly well.”
Who’s your favorite saint? Do you have one? If you’re Catholic, there’s a good chance that you do.
It’s Ordinary Time for sure, but you may find that your prayer can be extraordinary.
How do I deal with living in a sometimes sinful institution? And, more importantly, can I find Jesus standing next to me?
Did you ever wonder why Jesus was baptized? What sins did Jesus have to repent of? Nothing.
FaithFaith in Focus
The longer I live, the more I grow in awe of God’s creative activity and in reverence for God’s creation.
The Wise Men came all that way to hear the good news. I’ll bet there are a lot of people in your life who would like to hear it too.