The Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author, editor at large at America and founder of Outreach.
In All Things
Bishop Blase Cupich the newly appointed archbishop of Chicago is a longtime contributor to America nbsp Readers of the magazine and our website will know him for his many pastoral thoughtful and forthright articles that have appeared over the years nbsp Here a few from recent years with some
In their dignity and in their hard work, the poor can often be our models.
In All Things
The Jesuit Curia has approved our sharing this news released today nbsp The Superior General of the Society of Jesus nbsp Father Adolfo Nicolas SJ will submit his resignation nbsp with the approval of Pope Francis to the Jesuits nbsp in late 2016 because of his advanced age 78 nbsp Fr Ni
FaithFaith in Focus
From 2014: In honor of the upcoming canonization of Pope John XXIII, Loyola Press and James Martin, S.J., have graciously allowed us to print this chapter from Father Martin's book, My Life with the Saints.
FaithIn All Things
You don’t need to know any Greek to anticipate the disciples’ shock: their master is acting like a servant, a slave.
In All Things
In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus utters his agonizing prayer ldquo Abba Father for you all things are possible remove this cup from me yet not what I want but what you want rdquo At this grave moment in the life of Christ when he struggles to discern the will of the Father we are invite
FaithIn All Things
Was Jesus married? Here’s why almost every New Testament scholar believes that Jesus was unmarried.
Vantage Point
Vantage Point 1994: Fr. James Martin, S.J., on the Western media's difficulty in confronting the tragedy in Rwanda.
I’m grateful to have been able to read, study with and now know so many talented scholars.