The Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author, editor at large at America and founder of Outreach.
In All Things
La postura de la Iglesia Cat lica acerca de nbsp la actividad homosexual es bien conocida Probablemente no hay nbsp un cat lico inteligente en este pa s tal vez incluso en el mundo occidental que no est nbsp consciente de la clara ense anza de la Iglesia El Catecismo ense a que la acti
A number of people have asked me about Jesuit formation, particularly the nomenclature, and the way that Jesuits refer to one another at various stages. So here goes.
In All Things
I found it amusing that the biggest news from World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro was not that Pope Francis nbsp attracted 3 7 million people to nbsp his Sunday Mass on Copacabana Beach nbsp inevitably nicknamed ldquo Popacabana rdquo for the week Nor was it the pope rsquo s dramatic speech befor
In All Things
Today Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Church of the Gesu the Mother Church of the Society of Jesus in Rome at 8 a m nbsp Concelebrating with the Holy Father were the Superior General of the Society of Jesus Adolfo Nicolas SJ Archbishop Luis Ladaria SJ Secretary of the Congregation for t
In All Things
nbsp Here is the original Italian of Pope Francis 39 s remarks today about gays and gay priests from the very surprising interview excerpted here on NCR aboard the Pope 39 s return flight to Rome nbsp The Pope also touched on divorced and remarried Catholics women in the church and fielded
In All Things
nbsp Today Pope Francis met with poor persons living in the Varginha favela slum in Rio de Janeiro nbsp Here was his moving message to them which praised those who work for quot social justice quot and quot solidarity quot and decried quot economic inequalities quot nbsp The Pope said
In All Things
Watch the five-part interview with Adolfo Nicolás, S.J.
In All Things
The other day on my public Facebook page I posted a link to Pope Francis 39 s off-the-cuff injunction against quot sadness quot among seminarians and novices nbsp Most of the commenters found it as I did delightfully refreshing but some thought that the Pope was either a belittling mental
In All Things
Update The Vatican has announced the canonization date April 27 2014 Today 39 s announcement by Pope Francis of the canonization of Blessed John Paul II was not a surprise From the time of his death in 2005 when crowds shouted quot Santo Subito quot in St Peter 39 s Square to Pope Benedi
America asked a selection of writers, theologians and church leaders to respond to Pope Francis' first encyclical, Lumen Fidei. Check this page in the coming days for additional contributions.Knowing The One Whom We LoveBy Drew Christiansen, S. J.“The Light of Faith,” Pope Francis sa