The Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author, editor at large at America and founder of Outreach.
In All Things
This blog post on the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic was posted in April of last year Today is the 101th anniversary of the sinking In nbsp April of nbsp 1912 America had just celebrated its third year of publication Today we have reposted the editorial that appeared in our issue of
In All Things
The editors of Time 39 s new quot bookazine quot on Pope Francis Pope for a New World asked me to contribute an essay called quot Why I Love Being a Priest quot which I was happy to do nbsp The essay was written after Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation but before the conclave ha
Big news Pope Francis in a surprise move has chosen the head of the Franciscans Jose Rodriguez Carballo to help lead the Congregation for Religious Technically he has chosen the OFM 39 s quot Minister General quot to be the quot Secretary quot the all-important Number Two person in the
In All Things
Here 39 s a nbsp surprise From Vatican Radio quot The archbishop of Havana Cardinal Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino on Saturday read from a document given him by Pope Francis outlining the speech he gave during the pre-conclave General Congregation meetings of the Cardinals Cardinal Ortega had
In All Things
Since I 39 ve been getting this question a lot over the last few days here goes And for good measure another photo of two Jesuit brothers A Jesuit is a Jesuit forever from the day he enters the novitiate until his death unless he formally leaves the Society of Jesus or in religious parlanc
In All Things
The Jesuit Curia has just released this great photo of Pope Francis greeting Adolfo Nicolas SJ Superior General of the Society of Jesus at the Casa Santa Marta on Sunday nbsp Father General came at the invitation of the Holy Father and promised him all the resources of the Society of Jesus
The psalms of praise are filled with joy, delight and gratitude. Even happiness.
In All Things
We received from the Jesuit Curia today this account of the meeting between Pope Francis and Adolfo Nicol s SJ Superior General of the Society of Jesus which took place yesterday at the Casa Santa Marta nbsp The account was written by Father General himself nbsp We offer it in several langua
In All Things
There has long been a playful rivalry among religious orders in the Catholic Church This may surprise people accustomed to thinking of members of religious orders as a dull lot their faces stuck in their Bibles or their eyes cast heavenward far removed from such mundane matters as hellip humor
FaithIn All Things
An answer the question I’ve been asked for over two decades: What’s a Jesuit anyway?