The Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author, editor at large at America and founder of Outreach.
In All Things
At a recent press conference for the new film The Way directed by Emilio Estevez and starring his father Martin Sheen our associate editor Kerry Weber had the opportunity to speak with the two men about their highly personal film nbsp The newly released nbsp film centers on the nbsp pilgrimage
In All Things
Here is a meditation from the late Dean Brackley SJ the Jesuit priest educator and writer who died this week in El Salvador after a long battle with cancer nbsp Dean had volunteered to work at the University of Central America nbsp immediately after the murders of his brother Jesuits there in 1
In All Things
And why not nbsp Invited to do so during a Washington Post Newsweek On Faith interview nbsp James Martin SJ
FaithIn All Things
Every Jesuit saint was a member of the Society of Jesus, lived vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in community; and were formed by the Spiritual Exercises. But even with those important commonalities, no one was alike.
In All Things
We have received news that Dean Brackley SJ a great apostle of social justice and a Jesuit who volunteered to work at the University of Central America in El Salvador nbsp after the martyrdom of the Jesuits there in 1989 has died after a battle with cancer nbsp More will be written about this
In All Things
From HuffingtonPost whose video studios we covet nbsp And for even more wisdom an interview on Duke University s Faith amp Leadership page on Why Faith Leads to Joy along with an excerpt from Between Heaven and Mirth on why religious settings are often so stultifying and what to do abo
In All Things
I have been both astonished and moved by the tremendous outpouring of emotion over the death of Steve Jobs at age 56 nbsp Mr Jobs as is known by anyone whose fingers ever touched a computer or held an iPhone was a dazzlingly talented innovator who as President Obama noted will likely rank am
In All Things
Today is the Feast of St Francis of Assisi and I m happy to say the publication date of my book on joy humor and laughter Between Heaven and Mirth nbsp To celebrate both an excerpt on the joy of St Francis nbsp And that s him on the cover holding the turtledoves and laughing nbsp in betw
The surprisingly joyful theology of 1 Thessalonians
In All Things
Vera Farmiga s directorial debut the film Higher Ground has been winning praise from some quarters nbsp Bryan McCarthy a candidate for a D Phil in theology nbsp at Oxford looks at how difficult it is for various kinds of reviewers to get this story of a free-spirited evangelical woman s