The Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author, editor at large at America and founder of Outreach.
FaithFaith in Focus
Oct. 31 is the feast of a remarkable Catholic brother, St. Alphonsus Rodríguez, the humble Jesuit porter of Majorca.
In All Things
A nbsp recent visit from my friend the artist Bob Gilroy S J has prompted me to write about a project that is well worth your time nbsp Bob is a Jesuit priest a talented visual artist and longtime spiritual director based at the Campion Renewal Center in Weston Mass nbsp whose work is prob
In All Things
The trailer for the new French movie Des Hommes et Des Dieux which dazzled the crowds at Cannes this year about the nbsp Cistercian monks of Tibhirine in Algeria who selflessly chose to remain in their monastery during a time of impending danger and who were later martyred by Muslim extremis
In All Things
Wonderful piece the other day in The New York Times about a nbsp De La Salle nbsp Christian brother nbsp Lovely photo too It is 8 30 a m at nbsp De La Salle Academy a private school in Manhattan for academically talented poor children and classical music is humming through a boom box that har
In All Things
The nbsp Democrat-Farmer-Labor Party has just responded to the ad that at first blush seemed anti-Catholic to say the least and which was picked up on several blogs--including this one nbsp It seems that it was not a hoax as some suspected but the first part of a two-page ad that well her
In All Things
See update above DFL Ad Not Anti-Catholic nbsp Just Confusing Want a real example of anti-Catholicism Here it is courtesy of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party apparently in reponse to Archbishop nbsp John Nienstedt s mailing of 400 000 DVDs in opposition to same-sex marriage H t
In All Things
Boy this looks like a dynamite exhibit nbsp It s currently at Ellis Island but is travelling around the States nbsp More info is here nbsp
In All Things
Bill McGarvey the talented editor of Bustedhalo com is moving on
In All Things
Taliban Catholicism is John Allen s description of web-based McCarthyism on the rise in the Catholic blogosphere nbsp Rachel Zoll has this nbsp fine piece about the self-appointed Inquisitors nbsp who nbsp flourish on the nbsp Internet nbsp H T to Margaret nbsp Steinfels at Dotcommonweal nb
In All Things
A good friend of mine nbsp recently told me that he had seen the new Clint Eastwood movie Hereafter which focuses on questions of the afterlife nbsp I asked my friend a spiritual director what he thought of the film s portrayal of heaven and he just shrugged his shoulders nbsp Well he s