The Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author, editor at large at America and founder of Outreach.
In All Things
From the Irish Echo today on an American Jesuit s work for justice The Rev Joseph Mulligan is the kind of person who can see the up side and the down side of a situation It rsquo s a quality that has helped him in the 24 years he rsquo s worked as a pastor in Nicaragua He rsquo s had to deal wit
In All Things
Fr Jack Collins a Paulist priest asks passersby what they know about the saints and the answer is almost nothing at all nbsp It s from Bustedhalo com s series You Don t Know Jack nbsp There s one guy at the end who seems to know a little but he looks rather shady James Martin SJ
Politics & SocietyIn All Things
The priest who was widely quoted here and here and here as nbsp stating that part of the reason nbsp for the 1870 excommunication of the soon-to-be-canonized Blessed Mary MacKillop was her participation in raising nbsp questions about nbsp a sexually abusive priest now says he was misquoted nbsp
In All Things
It s impossible not to be moved by the terrible stories of the five youths who recently took their own lives because they were being harassed as gays and lesbians nbsp nbsp In New York the story of Tyler Clementi the Rutgers freshman who was filmed having a romantic encounter with another man wh
FaithIn All Things
Francis of Assisi is a good example of why the legends should never overshadow the life, Father James Martin writes. For within his life lie many surprises awaiting those who are willing to meet Francis on his own terms.
FaithFaith in Focus
On this feast day of his favorite saint, James Martin, S.J., shares a reflection on Therese of Lisieux.
FaithIn All Things
The stunning news that a soon-to-be-saint was excommunicated for urging the church to take action against a sex offender is a reminder of the virulence of the crimes of clerical abuse.
In All Things
File this under the Really column nbsp David Gibson over at Politics Daily reports President Obama s surprising devotion to Mary Help of Christians nbsp Somehow this slipped past the Disputations filter but during her vacation in Spain in August First Lady Michelle Obama revealed that her
In All Things
The nbsp editors of The New York Times nbsp evince something of nbsp a fascination for Matteo Ricci the great Jesuit missionary to China nbsp As well nbsp they nbsp should nbsp nbsp The Italian Jesuit 1552-1610 was nbsp fascinating man living in a fascinating era who did fascinating things n
In All Things
It s always nbsp interesting nbsp seeing a non-Christian or non-Catholic person group or organization discovering the wisdom of our tradition-- unbeknownst to them nbsp A few years ago I met a man not a Catholic who told me that he had stumbled upon a fascinating new nbsp idea in a corporate r