Jim McDermott, S.J., is an associate editor at America.
Arts & CultureFilm
The conversation of “The Pope: Answers” offers a provocative image of what church could be.
Arts & CultureTelevision
If “Succession” ends as a sort of Shakespearean tragedy, as all signs thus far have suggested that it will, this week’s episode may well be the moment we look back on as that tragedy’s core.
Arts & CultureTheater
In these Lenten and Easter days in which the church celebrates a man whose divinity was revealed in his willingness to sacrifice everything for love, consider "Sweeney Todd" to be that story’s dark, demonic twin.
FaithScripture Reflections
A Reflection for Holy Thursday, by Jim McDermott, S.J.
Arts & CultureFaith in Focus
Pope Francis didn’t wear Balenciaga. I can’t imagine he ever will. But if we keep our eyes peeled, it won’t be long before we see him do something just as eye-popping to reveal once again to us the challenging, merciful love of God.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
In a time when we felt isolated, afraid and increasingly divided, The Times gave us a means to better understand what was happening and to stay connected with one another.
FaithFaith in Focus
I’ve been thinking about Adam Sandler’s body of work as a whole, and I’ve realized that the kind of characters he often plays may have something to teach us about, well, Jesus.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Learning a little more about Flipboard got me wondering what kind of vision of the Catholic Church you might find when the audience creating it is from around the world.
FaithFaith in Focus
Hint: You actually can’t do it wrong.
FaithScripture Reflections
A Reflection for Monday of the Second Week in Lent, by Jim McDermott, S.J.