Joe Hoover, S.J., is America’s poetry editor and producer of a new film, "The Allegory".
Arts & CulturePoetry
Entrants to this year’s contest included poems about human trafficking, the Mueller Report, priestly abuse and screen addiction.
Arts & CultureBooks
Greg Pardlo's new memoir clips quickly along and burdens the reader with almost no slow moments.
FaithFaith in Focus
Adding more words will not make Mass “better.” If you cleanly speak the words as they are, if you let them flow through you, the people in the pews may hear the Mass as they have never heard it before. You do not need to do more. It’s not about you.
FaithFaith in Focus
Entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos talk about being “innovators” and “disrupters,” but really they are not—not in truly world-shaking ways. Imagine if they announced to the world: We are doubling the wages of our warehouse workers, increasing benefits. We are becoming, for God’s sake, a cooperative.
Arts & CultureBooks
In Christian Wiman's new book, all easy answers about how spirituality informs the arts and vice versa are given fierce interrogation.
FaithFaith in Focus
People love yoga. People love the spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola. Mash the two together, and you have created a nice, marketable concept that can sweep a bundle of folks into the arms of the Lord and/or the Society of Jesus.
Arts & CultureBooks
And reading poetry, like the books in our 2018 poetry review, can be a great way to not make perfect sense of a thing, but to just be with a thing.
FaithFaith in Focus
He said he can’t let his feelings get in the way of this. He can’t bend the rules for one person.
FaithFaith in Focus
People do not have the time or money or energy to be angry at popes or angry at people who are angry at popes.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Nearly 1,000 poems poured in this year for America’s annual Foley Poetry Contest from writers of all ages.