John Carr is the founder of the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life at Georgetown University. He served for more than two decades as the director of the Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
In All Things
The Gosnell trial unmasked the horrific violence of abortion and the terrible exploitation of poor women that often comes with it It reminded us of what abortion is hellip the destruction of babies before and now in some documented cases after they are born It is very important to remember all th
Washington Front
Beware those who insist that public choices are simply matters of “prudential judgment.”
Washington Front
Some political spinners are trying to fit Pope Francis into their own agendas and biases.
FaithWashington Front
Pope Benedict’s greatest disconnect from U.S. elites wasn’t about sex. It was over economic justice.
For secular Washington, Benedict was the pope of no. For those who listened, Benedict is more the pope of and, connecting charity and truth, faith and reason.