
John J. Conley, S.J., is a Jesuit of the Maryland Province and a regular columnist for America. He is the current Francis J. Knott Chair of Philosophy and Theology at Loyola University, Maryland.
Philosopher's Notebook
Freddie Gray died on April 19 from spinal injuries sustained while he was in custody, being transported in a police van. Protests surrounding his death turned violent on the evening of April 25. The violence intensified on April 27, the day of Gray’s funeral, with a night of arson, looting and
Philosopher's Notebook
Observers of the anti-Armenian campaign quickly noted its genocidal nature.
Philosopher's Notebook
Suspicious of all political utopias, Ionesco rejected the efforts at a partisan recuperation of the drama.
Philosopher's Notebook
At the center of the spiritual life is the simple courage to be quiet.
Philosopher's Notebook
The recent Synod on the Family had its surface controversies: the admission of the divorced and remarried to the sacraments and the pastoral care of homosexuals. It also had its background theoretical controversies. The Vatican’s Humanum conference in November probed one of them: the complemen
Philosopher's Notebook
This Thanksgiving I will thank God for the love and encouragement of my uncle.
Philosopher's Notebook
The eugenic dream was not eliminated by the Allied victors or Nuremberg tribunals.
Philosopher's Notebook
The traditional duty of the doctor to promote the actual good can crumble under a consumerist indenture to the patient's will.
Philosopher's Notebook
It must be said.Several months ago I received an email marked urgent from one of the professional organizations to which I belong. Addressed to “Concerned Faculty Member,” the missive urged me to sign a statement promising that I would not teach, lecture or offer any other assistance to