John W. Martens is a professor of theology and director of the Centre for Christian Engagement at St. Mark’s College at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
The Good Word
When The Da Vinci Code exploded onto the literary sic scene it created a secondary cottage industry Catholic and other Christian scholars who responded to it either in Parish halls or in short book-length refutations See a nice online refutation from my colleague David Landry I was a part of
The Good Word
How do you receive the word of God when you do not read This is a strange question to ask in an age of unprecedented literacy at a time when access to data texts and knowledge is constant No longer need one rely on books taken from the library you can carry Kindle and have over a thousand book
The Good Word
The second reading for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time continues with the reflections of Paul or a superb facsimile of Paul on human unity in and through Christ The reading for this Sunday is Ephesians 2 13-18 but I think it is worth drawing in the two verses just prior to this passage S
The Good Word
In the criticism of George Weigel s intemperate and churlish source criticism of Pope Benedict XVI s new encyclical criticism which is warranted it has not been much noted that biblical scholars engage in source criticism on a regular basis The same criticisms raised of Weigel s gold pen and r
The Good Word
Many scholars evaluate Ephesians as a pseudonymous letter of Paul s attributing it to a period some twenty years approximately after Paul s martyrdom and composed by disciples of Paul sometimes styled as a Pauline school Others note that the earliest manuscript traditions lack to the Ephesi
The Good Word
The year of St Paul ends with the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul on June 29th 2009 I think this year has been a tremendous gift for the Church if only to draw considered attention to the man Paul and the many facets of his ministry Certainly in my diocese that of St Paul and Minneapolis
The Good Word
Brothers and sisters As you excel in every respect in faith discourse knowledge all earnestness and in the love we have for you may you excel in this gracious act also 2 Cor 8 7 What is this gracious act of which Paul speaks I am having a difficult time concentrating as I hope to be a
The Good Word
There is a common theme running through the readings for the Solemnity of the Nativity of John the Baptist Mass during the day and that is your purpose and mine I know that Isaiah 49 1-6 pertains directly to God s servant Isaiah technically I suppose this is Deutero-Isaiah but who names their
The Good Word
nbsp The readings for the Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time both the Old Testament reading from Job 38 1 8-11 and the Gospel reading from Mark 4 35-41 place us in the presence of God who is sovereign over nature It is on my mind not only because of the readings for the week but due to our prese
The Good Word
The title got your attention did it not What if I had titled it The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity In the May 25 2009 issue of America Edward Foley O F M Cap wrote on the homily and its relationship to the lectionary readings of the day He argues that it is not always necessary to pr