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John W. Miller is a Pittsburgh-based former Wall Street Journal staff reporter and co-director of the PBS film “Moundsville.”
Arts & CultureBooks
John W. Miller
Adam Fisher's oral history of Silicon Valley chronicles the genesis and sometimes fall of every tech giant, the invention of key technologies and the development of cultural institutions around the industry.
Image: America/iStock
Arts & CultureIdeas
John W. Miller
Shining a light on the truth, followed by some sort of atonement, seemed the right thing to do, especially at a time of rising and relegitimized white supremacy in the United States.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
John W. Miller
As Facebook, Apple and Google pour billions into artificial intelligence, ethicists and moral philosophers are racing to keep up, and Catholic thinkers are looking ahead to the possible harms to humanity.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
John W. Miller
As states continue to close large state-run institutions designed to house large numbers of people with cognitive disabilities, the United States faces a new crisis: a shortage of new nonprofit group homes.
Image: Composite from Shutterstock/ photo by John W. Miller
Politics & SocietyFeatures
John W. Miller
Moundsville, while in decline, has never been nearly as bad as the picture of rusting hell Mr. Trump painted in his inauguration address.