Kaya Oakes, a contributing writer for America, teaches writing at the University of California, Berkeley. Her fifth book, The Defiant Middle, will be released in the fall of 2021.
FaithLast Take
Feminism is both necessary for being a Catholic woman and one of the reasons you will be tested as a Catholic feminist.
Arts & CultureBooks
In Tommy Orange's debut novel, Oakland becomes a character as much as any of Orange’s other individuals: regularly erupting into violence, steadily erasing the history of its impoverished citizens who jump from apartment to apartment, existing in a series of “long, grey streets” that seem to go nowhere when you’re a kid on a bike pedaling around.
The Nuns and Nones project seeks to bring these two groups together in order to explore new forms of community life, help millennials see models for sustainable activism and create an intergenerational network of connections.
Arts & CultureBooks
Inspired represents Held Evans’s attempt to return not to the “handbook” Bible of her adolescence but to the “storybook” Bible of her childhood.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Teachers do not talk about being afraid of our students. We talk about being afraid for our students.
Arts & CultureBooks
Review: Michelle Kuo’s "Reading With Patrick: a Teacher, a Student, and a Life-Changing Friendship"
The Rev. Carol Howard Merritt says that the image of a God who suffers with us can play a role in helping people recover.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
An old Jesuit parish in San Francisco took on a new mission to help its neighbors in need.
Politics & Society
St. Columba began celebrating Black Catholic History Month and Kwanzaa alongside the regular events in the liturgical calendar.
Faith in Focus
"What is unclear is how that role works when your godchild is a fully-formed adult."