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Kevin Clarke is America’s chief correspondent and the author of Oscar Romero: Love Must Win Out (Liturgical Press).
Of Many Things
Kevin Clarke
Making the move from the Great Plains to the gritty urbanity of New York
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The era of blog-chair journalism only grows more pronounced nbsp The Washington Post essentially abandoned the rest of the nation this week closing bureaus in New York Chicago and Los Angeles to concentrate its declining resources closer to home Like a legion of other previously well-bureaued ci
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
A 4 700 word gauntlet has been thrown down before what I guess is perceived as America s liberal-secular triumphalism apparently made real to social conservative imagination by the Obama ascendancy via the Manhattan Declaration which issues a clarion call to Christians to adhere to their convi
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The UN-sponsored World Summit on Food Security nbsp in Rome ended yesterday leaving many participants frustrated with the lack of progress on food security goals Few representatives from the developed world even bothered to attend the meeting The Nov 16-18 conference hosted by the U N Food and
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Over at the site for the National Institute of Health Policy a program of the University of St Thomas former Minnesota Senator Dave Durenburger was not sharing the joy about both the Stupak Amendment and the historic House vote for health care reform on Nov 7 His concerns on both the bishops r
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Oh the perils of running a news weekly We posted a story today that will appear in our next issue reviewing a diplomatic breakthrough in Honduras that seemed early this week to have ended four months of political crisis and social chaos in Central America s third-poorest nation Unfortunately the
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
To stay or not to stay that is the question While President Obama from his encampment at Elsinore on the Potomac continued to agonize over his rotten options in the state of Afghanistan in a period of just two days U S forces there suffered a series of terrible losses in what has been the deadli
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The good sisters of America may have a whole new quality of life matter to ponder after a perusal of some photos unearthed by the troublemakers at the National Catholic Reporter of Cardinal Franc Rod eacute Prefect of the Congregation for the Religious at a March ordination of six new deacons for
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
He s not likely to elbow Galileo out of the way in the hallways of the Vatican archives but Karl Marx is apparently enjoying a mild Roman restoration this week The Times of London is reporting a Marxist uprising at the Vatican or at least l Osservatore Romano which published a piece on October 2
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
As Caritas Internationalis and Catholic Relief Services expanded their efforts to respond to the unprecedented flooding throughout Asia following a series of typhoons and accompanying torrential comes news that a 2007 U S EPA report finally released in response to a Freedom of Information Act peti