Michael J. O’Loughlin is national correspondent at America and author of Hidden Mercy: AIDS, Catholics, and the Untold Stories of Compassion in the Face of Fear.
Politics & SocietyNews
“I just want people to know the candidates as they really are, to know the pros and cons of all the issues, to make intelligent choices and not just simply vote this party or that party.”
Deacon Paul Snyder will tell his story on “60 Minutes” this Sunday.
Politics & SocietyVatican Dispatch
Vatican official says people must not succumb to fear mongering and realize that the challenge of migration today is solvable—but only if there is political will.
“We take people where they are, walking with them, moving forward,” Cardinal Blase Cupich said.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Cardinal Souraphiel highlighted the role globalization plays in connecting young people in unjust ways.
FaithVatican Dispatch
“We live in a world of competition, where you have to be the best. This pressure comes even from the families, from society,” said Brother Alois Löser.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Though the current synod appears to lack the sort of drama and high-stakes debates of the previous two, the role of conscience appears to be a common thread.
Arts & CultureTheater
"Downstate" poses a number of uncomfortable questions, relevant and challenging both in light of the ongoing #MeToo movement and the church’s continued grappling with its sexual abuse scandal.
While Cardinal O’Malley is perhaps the highest-ranking church official charged with examining how the church handles allegations of sexual abuse, he does not have jurisdiction over other bishops and the commission he leads does not investigate specific claims.
Calling itself Better Church Governance, the group plans to enlist former F.B.I. agents to investigate cardinals on how they handled allegations of sexual abuse and whether they have remained faithful to their vows.