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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Cardinal Francis George hit the nail on the head in his speech to the Knights of Columbus convention yesterday calling for renewed efforts at binding up the unity of the faithful A Catholic way of life is based on assent to revealed truth and obedience to appointed pastors both of which create t
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
We now know there is an additional perk to becoming President In addition to being really really powerful living in a beautiful home with 24-hour everything a limo Air Force One and Camp David once you are retired you get to go to North Korea President Bill Clinton wrapped up his voyage yes
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Rep Earl Blumenauer from Oregon suddenly finds himself in the media spotlight because of a provision he inserted into the health care legislation that allows Medicare to pay for consultations between doctors and patients about end of life care It does not mandate such consultations nor in any way
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Political junkies like me have added the forthcoming book The Battle for America 2008 The Story of an Extraordinary Election by Dan Balz and Haynes Johnson to our reading list The extensive excerpt that appeared in the Washington Post yesterday whetted the appetite and I learned two things that
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
What was accomplished by the now notorious meeting for a few beers at the White House at which President Obama and Vice-President Biden welcomed Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr and Cambridge police officer James Crowley Unlike the imbroglio over Rev Jeremiah Wright President Obama did n
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
How long O Lord asks the psalmist Just when you want to applaud the compromise efforts in the House and Senate aiming to reduce the cost of the health care overhaul acknowledging the justifiable concern of some on the right that it is too pricey you see these two headlines across the top of
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Sen Lindsey Graham R-SC was the only Republican on the Judiciary Committee to vote in favor of confirming Sonia Sotomayor as the next justice of the United States Supreme Court Graham said that while he would not have nominated Sotomayor he believes that presidents are entitled to their choices
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Health Care reform which is as much about insurance reform as health care reform is facing the hard choice now specifically how to pay for it This is also where scare tactics from those with vested interests in the status quo begin to work like acid eating away at the moral imperative for refo
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Wednesday night I have to cram two thousand years of Church History into a two hour presentation for the RCIA group at my parish This requires doing enormous violence to the historical record leaving out important qualifications and focusing only on the main themes As a historian by training I
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Race remains an issue that cuts through American culture and society like a scythe The arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr has captured the imagination of the country and it is not difficult to see why The story only works because Gates is black and the arresting officer was white