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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Barack Obama rsquo s landslide victory will require time sink in emotionally and also analytically The exit polls will need to be adjusted to reflect the actual turnout The numbers we had last night were skewed to the Democrats and under-counted Catholics I suspect Still some things are apparent
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
This past Sunday I worshipped at St Augustine rsquo s church here in Washington D C It is the oldest congregation of black Catholics in the city The pastor did not preach about the election He didn rsquo t have to The anticipation in the room the smiles the nervousness were all immediately
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Happy Election Day My American flag is unfurled on the porch and I will be heading over to the Riverdale Elementary School once the morning rush dies down to cast my vote Of course we know now that there is no more election day Almost a third of the ballots have already been cast by early voti
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
There is no shortage of stupid campaign decisions outrageously sleazy tactics candidate meltdowns and pitifully evasive debate replies Picking the best ndash or is it worst ndash such example is difficult because as they say in the military the environment is target rich But here goes T
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
One of the best aces in the hole for the Republican party has been their Get-Out-The-Vote GOTV operation In 2004 I was working on a congressional race and the final weekend an independent poll had the race tied but we lost by 8 points because the GOP deployed their famed 72-hour plan Karl Rove
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
In 2004 a grassroots organization in Ohio called ldquo Catholics for Kerry rdquo asked the campaign to send a surrogate to one of their events They were told ldquo We don rsquo t do white churches rdquo Turns out if you ldquo don rsquo t do white churches rdquo you also don rsquo t get to
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Is it over Of course not A single dreadful news cycle could still turn the race quickly back towards McCain But the numbers are daunting to say the least The first problem for McCain is that virtually every competitive swing state is a state that George W Bush carried last election Put diffe
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman were charged yesterday with threatening to assassinate Barack Obama The two men are neo-Nazis and the craziness of their plot from its fixation with numerology to its campy costuming the two intended to wear white tuxedos and top hats while slaughtering Obama a
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Democrats have been worried the GOP would mount some kind of foreign policy crisis to steer voters away from supporting the relatively inexperienced barack Obama Well yesterday U S forces crossed into Syria in pursuit of terrorists I read about it on page A9 of this morning s Hartford Courant
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
First Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput criticized Democratic nominee by name and suggested that those who support him of having done a disservice to the Church confused the natural priorities of Catholic social teaching undermined the progress pro-lifers have made and provided an excuse for some