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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
America s special election blog is pleased to welcome Rick Garnett as a conbtributor Rick is a law professor at Nore Dame and a frequent contributor at MirrorofJustice com a blog dedicated to Catholic legal theory You can read his first contribution by clicking here nbsp Michael Sean Winters
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
In addition to having a winning message and a biography that allows viewers to envision you are president and a strategy for winning 270 electoral college votes and the ability to bring Catholic swing voters into your column you need to get your voters to the polls You need a ground game dedica
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
ldquo As Catholics go so goes America rdquo religion scholar and Boston College professor Alan Wolfe recently wrote happily in the blurb for my book The quintessential swing voters for the past 35 years have been white ethnic Catholics living in suburbs in the Northeast and Midwest They we
Politics & SocietyIn All Things
Michael Sean Winters
The Administrative Committee of the U S Bishops Conference has issued a statement on the recent comments by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senator Joseph Biden regarding the Church s teaching on abortion The statement is balanced but strong as were the previous statements issued joint
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
America s election blog is pleased to welcome Tom Rosshirt who will do occasional postings for our readers Tom was a speechwriter for President Bill Clinton and is a partner at West Wing Writers a communications and strategy firm located in Washington D C Tom and his family worship at Holy Tri
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Barack Obama is quoted in this morning s Washington Post describing the how the campaign and specifically the GOP s message has changed in the past two weeks What s changed is that the Republican Party which had been trying to make an argument about experience basically got off that and
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
One of the most common misperceptions about the presidential election is that on November 4 we will have a national election to select our next President In fact we will have 51 separate elections on November 4 because of the Electoral College As Al Gore discovered in 2000 you can get more than
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Sunday rsquo s Washington Post had a frightening article about just how ill-informed most American voters are It makes for some sad reading to realize how in this information age more people know the goings-on in Paris Hilton rsquo s romantic life than can find Iraq on a map But the article mis
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
First Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi demonstrated that she wasn rsquo t paying attention during theology classes when she matriculated at Trinity College Now Sen Joe Biden has managed to wade into the treacherous waters of making pronouncements on what the Church does and does not teach abo
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
We promised that we would have a fresh post every morning by 8 a m This morning we had some technical difficulties but our new election blog is up and can be found here