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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
One of Sen John McCain s chief advisers is in hot water over remarks he made to a magazine reporter Charles R Black Jr told Fortune magazine that a new terrorist attack on American soil certainly would be a big advantage to him McCain McCain quickly distanced himself from the remarks and
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
As George Bush s poll numbers sink lower than did Nixon s in the middle of the Watergate investigations it is no surprise that most Americans can t wait for next January 20th when either John McCain or Barack Obama will be sworn in as our next president But Americans are not alone The enti
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Sen Barack Obama announced yesterday that he is opting out of the public finance system for the general election His campaign concluded that his internet fundraising base with more than 1 5 million donors and which raised 272 million through April could deliver more cash than the 80 million th
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
First John McCain and now President Bush have announced support for lifting the ban on offshore drilling along America s coastline in response to the rise in gas prices This is an idea that only an oil man could love but then of course Bush is an oil man so we should not be surprised McCain
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
The image of a classic Catholic pol is Mayor Richard Daley or someone very much like him Daley built and ran a political machine that used patronage and politics to deliver government services to his constituents and re-election victories to himself His son has carried on the tradition and it is a
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
An ABC News Washington Post poll this morning focuses attention on independent voters those who do not identify with either political party Increasingly this is the largest group of the electorate as partisan identification declines for both Democrats and Republicans The bad news for John McCa
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
After months of relatively good news from Iraq with lower levels of violence and fewer casualties this past week brought two bad pieces of news First the Iraqi government and the U S government have failed to agree to terms for a new security arrangement that replace the current UN mandate due
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
The frontline in the abortion wars is no longer the Supreme Court If Roe v Wade was overturned tomorrow most states would enact its provisions legislatively Some might include restrictions on late term abortions which would be a fine thing but most abortions are not late term Crisis pregnancy
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
In politics as in life the squeaky wheel gets the oil So our discussion of foreign affairs tends to focus on the trouble spots the on-going war in Iraq the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran the paranoid regime in Myanmar the genocide in Darfur But our political leaders should not look simply a
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Few issues invite equal measures of demagoguery from both political parties as aging Republicans warn that Social Security will run dry when advocating their privatization schemes Democrats scare seniors with the specter of Wall Street bankers robbing them of their Social Security checks Politica