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Nathan Schneider, a contributing writer for America, is a professor of media studies at the University of Colorado Boulder.
In All Things
Nathan Schneider
No country has gotten rid of poverty through charity, philanthropy and welfare.
Photo by the author.
In All Things
Nathan Schneider
I can start to imagine the terror both police and protestors must have felt, wondering whether the next bullet will wind up with them.
In All Things
Nathan Schneider
ColoradoCare grants voting rights over the program to its recipients—including non-citizens.
In All Things
Nathan Schneider
Where did the architects of the financial crisis learn to live so confidently by unwritten rules?
The march to Daniel Berrigan's funeral on May 6. All photos by Jonathan Giftos.
FaithFaith in Focus
Nathan Schneider
Dan is dead; long live Dan. But how?
Nathan Schneider
We can’t always have what we want from the church, or even what we feel we need.
Daniel Berrigan at Occupy Wall Street in Zuccotti Park on October 5, 2011.
Politics & SocietyIn All Things
Nathan Schneider
The reporter had no idea whom he was talking to, that this old man was possibly the most radical person on the whole plaza.
Sam Fuller, OFM Cap., leading a march on climate change in Hartford, Ct. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
In All Things
Nathan Schneider
“Jesus committed acts of nonviolent civil disobedience all the time.”
In All Things
Nathan Schneider
Solidarity Hall has attracted people who are serious about living a radically Christian life.
Pope Francis blesses a baby during a visit to a Caritas center for the homeless near the Termini rail station in Rome Dec. 18. The pope opened a Door of Mercy at the center. (CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano, handout)
Nathan Schneider
Process (as shared governance) and power (to practice mercy) seem in conflict.