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Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
The single thought, humanism that takes the place of Jesus, destroys the Christian identity.
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
Pope Francis warned about the “error” of many people who, he said, are incapable of looking beyond the beauty of earthly things towards the transcendent.
(Catholic News Service)
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
“Instead, when the church is tepid, closed in on itself, businesslike, it cannot be said to be a church that serves."
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
The Christian includes, he does not close the door to anyone, even if this provokes resistance.
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
He is waiting, he is not condemning (us) and he is weeping. Why? Because he loves (us)!”
Pope Francis arrives to celebrate the closing Mass of the Synod of Bishops on the family in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican Oct. 25. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
Moments of suffering and conflict are for God occasions of mercy. Today is a time of mercy!
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
Pope Francis said that the times are changing and we Christians must change continuously, freely but within the truth of the faith.
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
The efforts of Christians are aimed at opening the door of the heart to the Holy Spirit. That was the message of Pope Francis during morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta on Thursday. The pope emphasized that conversion, for the Christian, a daily task that leads us to the encounter with Jesus. As an
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
Pope Francis says God’s love for us is without limits whereas human beings often lack this generosity and have a tendency to weigh up situations. His words came during his homily at Mass on Tuesday (October 20th) celebrated in the Santa Marta residence.Taking his inspiration from St. Paul&rsqu
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
Today’s biblical readings present the theme of service. They call us to follow Jesus on the path of humility and the cross.The prophet Isaiah depicts the Servant of the Lord (53:10-11) and his mission of salvation. The Servant is not someone of illustrious lineage; he is despised, shunned by a