Richard G. Malloy, S.J., is Director of Mission and Ministry at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in Baltimore, Md., and the author of Being on Fire: Top Ten Essentials of Catholic Faith and Spiritual Direction: A Beginner's Guide.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Jordan Peterson has gained celebrity by offering strategies for coping with modernity. But his fellow Canadian, the Jesuit Bernard Lonergan, offered strategies that were more holistic in nature and incorporated the whole community.
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Readable, well researched and carefully documented, 'Saving Yellowstone' does not get bogged down in minutiae in its history of the park.
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Kevin Costner and Taylor Sheridan have graced us with a biblical epic, Genesis with guns.
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In the 20th and 21st centuries, many theologians have been rethinking how we imagine God in the light of revelations of evolution and the revolutionary realizations of spacetime and quantum mechanics. It’s time for us to catch up.
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Does the famous "Arrupe Prayer" owe a debt of gratitude to Bernard Lonergan, S.J.?
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“I have a room here. You have a room here. We’re staying here. Our next room will be in heaven.”
‘I try so hard to hold onto pleasant images of Tim, but all I can see is him hanging there in the garage.” So said my sister a few months after our older brother died of suicide. That was one comforting linguistic suggestion, that he “died of suicide,” not that he “comm
"We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives.”
Helping young adults learn to see themselves as God sees them
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