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Robert David Sullivan is the production editor at America magazine.
A student wears a crucifix and a pro-life T-shirt during a July 22, 2022, Turning Point USA Student Action Summit (SAS) in Tampa, Fla. (CNS photo/Marco Bello, Reuters)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Robert David Sullivan
Nonwhite voters naturally do not have much affection for America as it existed before the civil rights movements.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Robert David Sullivan
Here in deep-blue Manhattan, I know a lot of people who would indeed see “religion” as a slur.
(Jason Hargrove from Toronto, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Robert David Sullivan
It is time to defund the police. I haven’t called them in years, and I need that tax money back to subscribe to Disney Plus.
A pro-life advocate prays during a "Love Them Both" rally sponsored by Indiana Right to Life July 26, 2022, at the Indiana Statehouse in Indianapolis. The rally took place while an Indiana Senate committee was preparing to vote on a bill that would ban most abortions in the state. (CNS photo/Sean Gallagher, The Criterion)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Robert David Sullivan
Those who want to reduce or minimize abortion, as opposed to eliminating it, are in a more difficult political position. 
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Robert David Sullivan
Like gun violence, car-related violence is also a uniquely American problem.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Robert David Sullivan
I’m in my late 50s, but elections still make me feel like I’m supposed to shut up and let the grown-ups talk.
Bill Hader in Season 3 of "Barry" (Merrick Morton/HBO) 
Arts & CultureTelevision
Robert David Sullivan
Watching the same character fall short of redemption, or meaningful contrition, over and over again, dozens of times, is torture.
The Supreme Court is seen in Washington May 5, 2022. (CNS photo/Evelyn Hockstein, Reuters)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Robert David Sullivan
According to a rash of new polls, Americans have come together over the belief that the country’s major institutions are seriously out of whack.
Pro-life demonstrators are seen near the Supreme Court in Washington June 15, 2022. The court overruled the landmark Roe v. Wade abortion decision in its ruling in the Dobbs case on a Mississippi law banning most abortions after 15 weeks June 24. (CNS photo/Tyler Orsburn)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Robert David Sullivan
The idea that the government should broadly reflect the values of the majority of the governed is in serious trouble.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Robert David Sullivan
Abortion polls tell part of the story.