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Robert Ellsberg is the editor in chief and publisher of Orbis Books. He is the author of Blessed Among Us: Day by Day with Saintly Witnesses (Liturgical Press).
Robert Ellsberg
I once heard Dorothy say, “When they call you a saint, it means basically that you are not to be taken seriously.”
Robert Ellsberg
What the 'Protector of the Indians' found in America
Robert Ellsberg
New letters reveal the frank sexuality of Dorothy Day.
Robert Ellsberg

For years after their separation, Dorothy Day continued to hope that her former lover would agree to marry her.

Robert Ellsberg
Henri Nouwen worked with many editors in his life. As it turned out, I was the last. I would not have foreseen this 10 years before, when I first brought him the news that I had been offered a job at Orbis Books. Well, he said, if someone were to ask me if you would be good for this job, I would say
Robert Ellsberg
I had planned to stay a few months, but was pretty quickly hooked and remained for five years - the last five years of Dorothy’s life, as it turned out.
Robert Ellsberg
At the time of his violent death, Charles de Foucauld had had founded no congregation nor attracted any followers. And yet his witness endured.