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Tim Reidy is the deputy editor in chief of America Media.
In All Things
Tim Reidy
From Criterio magazine via Mirada Global a tribute to the late Argentinian writer He would have made it to being a century old if it hadn rsquo t occurred to him to die two months short of his 100th birthday Argentinean writer Ernesto Sabato was born in Rojas a city in the pampa 240 km from Bue
In All Things
Tim Reidy
Just posted to our home page this video pilgrimage to the shrine if Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini in Manhattan Thanks to Fr Jim Martin and Kerry Weber for their on and off air talents We hope to post more of these over the course of the summer Tim Reidy nbsp
In All Things
Tim Reidy
The Times Literary Supplement has posted this essay on the cheeriness of G K Chesterton free online You must read it The piece is occasioned by Ian Ker s new biography of Chesterton which will be reviewed in our pages soon But particularly intriguing are Bernard Manzo s reflections on a book
The Good Word
Tim Reidy
Here is another homily from Fr Bill O Malley who has an article in this week s America The homily below is for June 19 Holy Trinity Sunday Click here to read Fr O Malley s homily from Pentecost I know you rsquo re all breathless with anticipation for the new liturgical changes that begin next
The Good Word
Tim Reidy
In conjunction with Fr William O Malley s article in the current issue of America we will be posting a few of his homilies to The Good Word this week Fr O Malley is a noted homilist and author who has taught high school students for over forty years You can read some of Fr O Malley s other h
In All Things
Tim Reidy
And now for something completely different Enjoy Tim Reidy
In All Things
Tim Reidy
From Criterio magazine via Mirada Global From the first day of the year Brazil has started to go through a completely different experience having a woman president for the first time President Dilma Roussef starts the lineage of women presidents in Brazil And this entails hopes and challenges f
In All Things
Tim Reidy
To keep the Web site lively over the summer months we will be featuring biweekly podcast discussions with the editors We ll be talking about a range of items just like we do here at In All Things This week Tim Reidy Fr Jim Martin and Regina Nigro talk about the weighty themes addressed in
In All Things
Tim Reidy
Just posted online a new batch of Signs of the Times stories We ll be posting new SOT items every week over the summer The first item concerns adoption services in the Catholic diocese of Rockford Ill The Diocese of Rockford has announced that its Catholic Charities offices will no longer off
In All Things
Tim Reidy
Our blogger Vince Miller has pledged to take up this question in his next blog post but meanwhile here is a reflection from Stephen Schneck at Catholic U The root of the word subsidiarity is the Latin subsiduum which is also the same root for our English word subsidy Subsiduum was used among o