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Tim Reidy is the deputy editor in chief of America Media.
In All Things
Tim Reidy
Though we are now on a biweekly print schedule we will continue to post items weekly to the Web site This week in conjunction with the announcement of our 2010 Foley Poetry prize winner we are featuring an online archive of past Foley winners Check it out here We are also grateful to the Archd
In All Things
Tim Reidy
St Vincent s Hospital has always occupied a special place in the memory of Catholic New Yorkers Full disclosure I like Kevin Clarke was born there Founded by the Sisters of Charity St Vincent s served lower Manhattan and beyond for over 150 years It acted as a trauma center in the afterma
The Good Word
Tim Reidy
Trinity Sunday gives us a wonderful moment to reflect on how mysterious God is how little we can say no matter how vast our desire It also prompts us to recall that cardinal Bible sin idolatry false claims about God often overbalanced toward certainty and projection i e making God too much l
In All Things
Tim Reidy
This week s podcast features an interview with the novelist and essayist Mary Gordon Gordon s new book Reading Jesus began as an effort to understand Christian fundamentalism by looking at the primary sources of the Christian tradition As she examined Jesus life and work she discovered that sh
In All Things
Tim Reidy
Just posted to our Web site a series of video interviews with soldiers and conscientious objecters exploring the dilemma of killing in war These videos are taken from the new Emmy-nominated documentary Soldiers of Conscience Many thanks to Ian Slattery for providing these clips Two examples
In All Things
Tim Reidy
Joseph A Califano Jr a longtime contributor to America and a member of the magazine s board of directors sat down for this week s podcast to discuss Criminally Unjust his analysis of America s flawed prison policy in the current issue Mr Califano argues that drug treatment is essential to r
The Good Word
Tim Reidy
We are happy to feature this guest blog post from Francis A Quinn the archbishop emeritus of Sacramento Calif One of the most memorable moments of my life was when I conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on 20 youths in San Francisco s Children s Hospital The children were from 4 to 16 years
In All Things
Tim Reidy
I admit in my recent Of Many Things column that I sometimes give in to the temptation to tune out the sex abuse scandal As a Catholic journalist I am obligated to follow the story as it unfolds but when I can I look away So on Sunday morning as I open up The Week in Review forgive me if I
In All Things
Tim Reidy
We feature two online conversations this week the first is with Clayton Sinyai a member of the Catholic Labor Network and the director of strategic campaigns for the Amalgamated Transit Union Speaking at a conference on Caritas in Veritate held at Princeton University Clayton explored what the p
In All Things
Tim Reidy
A little more than a week after Gov Jan Brewer signed Arizona s controversial new immigration law Cardinal Roger M Mahony spoke on the moral imperative of immigration reform last night at Fordham University The event was sponsored by America and Fordham s Center on Religion and Culture At the