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Valerie Schultz is a freelance writer, a columnist for The Bakersfield Californian and the author of A Hill of Beans: The Grace of Everyday Troubles. She lives on the Oregon Coast.
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
On Aug. 6, we wrestle with the dramatic extremes of good and evil, as symbolized by the ancient glory of the Transfiguration and the utter destruction of that first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
FaithScripture Reflections
Valerie Schultz
A Reflection for the Feast of St. Thomas, Apostle, by Valerie Schultz
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
It can take a lot of failure to get to success. When I think back on the things I failed at in my life, I see that the failures either taught me a hard lesson or nudged me forward on a better path.
FaithScripture Reflections
Valerie Schultz
A Reflection for Saturday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time, by Valerie Schultz
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FaithScripture Reflections
Valerie Schultz
A Reflection for Tuesday of the Sixth Week of Easter, by Valerie Schultz
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
From the moment of her birth, my granddaughter has retaught me one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that we learn at Confirmation: a sense of wonder and awe.
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FaithScripture Reflections
Valerie Schultz
A Reflection for Tuesday of the Second Week of Easter, by Valerie Schultz
FaithScripture Reflections
Valerie Schultz
A Reflection for Tuesday of the Third Week of Lent, by Valerie Schultz
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
If you’ve recently retired from the workforce, you know that the question can assail you in unguarded moments: Did you retire too soon?
FaithScripture Reflections
Valerie Schultz
A Reflection for Monday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, by Valerie Schultz