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Zac Davis is an associate editor and the senior director for digital strategy for America. He also co-hosts the podcast, Jesuitical. 
Zac Davis
Rumors and questions are circulating in China about the explosion in Tianjin. The question is, will we ever have answers?
Zac Davis
We don’t need people to believe that Planned Parenthood is evil; In fact, it would be helpful to recognize the value of the general health services that Planned Parenthood offers. But we need people to believe that something more life-giving than what Planned Parenthood is doing is both necessary and possible.
Zac Davis
Forgiving Greece's debt isn't just biblical, it's smart economics
Young people attend a gathering with Pope Francis in Piazza Vittorio in Turin, Italy, June 21. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
Zac Davis
We 39 re a sucker for one-liners It 39 s proven practice that a provocative one-liner in a headline will attract page views and therefore revenue for websites For example last week President Obama gave an hour-long interview on Marc Maron 39 s popular podcast WTF He spoke about growing up
Zac Davis
Loyola Chicago lives out the call of "Laudato Si'"