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James Martin, S.J.January 27, 2010

Be sure to catch a slide show of images, from photographer Clarke Patterson, of Monday night's 2009 Campion Award presentation to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.  The link is here.   The audio, in case you haven't heard it yet, of Archbishop Williams' remarks is on our homepage.  Well worth listening to a second time. 

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June Butler
14 years 7 months ago
Not a few of us in the Episcopal Church have dreams of giving Archbishop Williams a gentle push into the water to swim the Tiber, since he so often has his eyes on Rome as his model for rearranging Anglican Communion.  Perhaps, he should fulfill his dream by just going over to Rome on his own and stop trying to drag the rest of us with him.
Having said that, the Campion Award is quite fitting for the archbisop. 

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