After 21 days of silence, Pope Francis sent an audio message of thanks from his hospital bed to the crowd gathered in St. Peter’s Square this evening to recite the Rosary for his recovery.
His doctors have concluded, however, that “given the complexity of the clinical picture, the prognosis remains guarded,” meaning they do not consider him out of danger yet.
An informed Vatican source said today, “Pope Francis’ overall situation is stable, within the complexity of his clinical situation.” He underlined, however, that “the prognosis remains guarded, which means the pope is not yet out of danger.”
Pope Francis experienced another setback today with “two episodes of acute respiratory insufficiency” caused by “a significant accumulation of mucus in the lungs.”
“Endorsing utilitarian deregulation and global neoliberalism means imposing the law of the strongest as the only rule; and it is a law that dehumanizes,” the pope wrote in a letter to members of the Pontifical Academy for Life.