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William C. SpohnSeptember 08, 2003

Although Vatican II urged moral theologians to pay attention to Scripture and the Christian vocation the old wineskins of traditional moral theology burst under the ferment of new biblical personalist and liberationist contents Connecting Scripture and moral theology has proven to be a formidabl

Howard J. Van TillSeptember 08, 2003

In the last decade or two we have witnessed a spirited revival of the rhetoric of design Sometimes this translates into a modest case for a peaceful settlement of the science religion skirmish For the proponents of the modern Intelligent Design I D movement however a negotiated truce is not a

Richard A. BlakeSeptember 08, 2003

Best known in the United States for his early films ldquo Diary of a Country Priest rdquo 1951 and ldquo The Trial of Joan of Arc rdquo 1962 Robert Bresson became known to the critical establishment as a ldquo Catholic rdquo filmmaker In this brief but comprehensive survey of the comple

The Word
Dianne BergantSeptember 08, 2003

I would do anything rdquo That rsquo s a phrase we hear often It may even play an important role in our own lives ldquo I would do anything to have your good looks rdquo mdash and some people go to great lengths to try to change their appearance nbsp ldquo I would do anything for your lo

Of Many Things
Patricia A. KossmannSeptember 08, 2003

A few weeks ago I made a quick stop into my local deli for a small can of tomato sauce, which wound up costing me $105.49. The 49 cents was my actual purchase. The $105, thanks to New York’s Mayor Mike (which rhymes with hike) Bloomberg, was a parking citation.   You’ve heard, I&rsq

The EditorsSeptember 08, 2003

The prospects are dark for the world’s refugees and asylum seekers. Ever more stringent security measures in the wake of terrorist attacks have led to higher and higher barriers in countries that once welcomed them. These less-than-welcoming countries, moreover, are among the wealthiest: the U


Conservatives to Meet With Bishops on Sex Abuse CrisisSeveral leading U.S. bishops are expected to attend a discussion forum with self-styled conservative Catholic voices on the clergy sexual abuse crisis on Sept. 8 in Washington, D.C. We should be talking about the 25-year legacy of our pope and ho