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Politics & SocietyNews
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
Promoting religious freedom, providing humanitarian assistance and fighting human trafficking are three major issues the Vatican and the U.S. administration agree on and on which they will continue to coordinate efforts, panelists said at a joint symposium.
Politics & SocietyNews
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
In meeting with members of the Italian Catholic Union of the Press on September 23, 2019, Pope Francis urged the journalists not just to report events, but to report them truthfully.
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
Integral ecology requires a cultural and spiritual conversion built on a "culture of encounter."
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
The pope launched the new initiative, called the Global Compact on Education, for the future of new generations with a video and written message released by the Vatican Sept. 12.
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
"The date was chosen as a sign of the will to build life and fraternity where others sowed death and destruction," said a communique by the Vatican press office Sept. 11.
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
Pope Francis, who was visiting Mozambique Sept. 4, expressed his sorrow after hearing the news of the cardinal's death.
The Atomic Bomb Dome is seen in Hiroshima, Japan, Aug. 6, 2019.
Politics & SocietyNews
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
The bishops of Japan are renewing calls and prayers to build peace by abolishing nuclear weapons worldwide and promoting integral human development.
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
Vatican City State will have its own reporting system in place before the end of the year for flagging suspected cases of the abuse of minors and vulnerable people and instances of cover-up or negligence in handling such cases, the Vatican said.
Politics & SocietyNews
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
Alessandro Gisotti, outgoing interim director of the Vatican press office, said the investigation, led by a Vatican-appointed specialist in forensic medicine, was being carried out according to internationally recognized protocols.
Politics & SocietyNews
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
Pope Francis urged Syrian President Bashar Assad to put an end to his country's eight-year-long conflict and seek reconciliation for the good of the nation and its vulnerable people.