Like most things in 2020, this will be an Advent unlike any other. To prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ, America is publishing daily reflections along with other essays, podcasts and videos. This page will be populated throughout the duration of Advent. Subscribe to The Word in Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favorite podcast player and never miss a reflection. You can also sign up for America’s daily newsletter to receive the written versions every day in your inbox.
Saturday, the eve of Advent: Imagine Advent Ep1: The Incarnation
Week 1 of Advent
Sunday: What does it mean to ‘be alert’ during Advent?
Sunday: It’s Advent and it’s okay to be sad
Monday: Being a disciple means being a student of Jesus
Tuesday: The example of a child's faith
Wednesday: God brings us new life in our brokenness
Thursday: St. Francis Xavier knew it, too: true faith leads to action
Friday: In gloomy times, God is still the light
Saturday: Imagine Advent Ep2: The Annunciation
Check back for the rest of Week 1
Week 2 of Advent
Sunday: Listening to the prophets of our time
Monday: Good things are coming your way
Tuesday (Immaculate Conception): Let Mary be your friend
Wednesday: In a stressful holiday season, can we find time for rest?
Thursday: God is our abundance
Friday: Open yourself to the works of God's kingdom
Saturday: Imagine Advent Ep3: The Visitation
Check back for the rest of Week 2
Week 3 of Advent
Sunday: Who in your life sheds light on God's word?
Monday: They tried to cancel Jesus. Instead he canceled death
Tuesday: The call to be both spiritual and religious
Wednesday: Who is the Messiah? Go and find out
Thursday: God wants us to understand Jesus’ (and our own) family history
Friday: Wouldn’t it be nice if an angel told us what to do in a dream?
Saturday: Imagine Advent Ep4: Journey to Bethlehem
Check back for the rest of Week 3
Week 4 of Advent
Sunday: What can you do to bless others?
Monday: Elizabeth’s question to Mary at the Visitation is one for all of us
Tuesday: Mary’s Magnificat reminds us that God is close to those the world forgets
Wednesday: Jesus tries to lower expectations—but that doesn’t mean he will let us down
Thursday (Christmas Eve): Imagine Advent Ep5: Jesus Christ is born
Friday (Christmas Day): Imagine Advent Ep6: The Shepherds visit Jesus
Check back for the rest of Week 4