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Politics & SocietyNews
Associated Press - AP
Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI marked the eighth anniversary of his resignation by insisting he stepped down knowingly and that “there is only one pope”—Francis.
Nicole Winfield - Associated PressSamya Kullab, Associated Press
Infectious disease experts are expressing concern about Pope Francis’ upcoming trip to Iraq, given a sharp rise in coronavirus infections there, a fragile health care system and the unavoidable likelihood that Iraqis will crowd to see him.
America Video


There are 11 saints associated with the Catholic Church in the United States. None of them are of African descent. But, an initiative by the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University in New Orleans wants to raise the profile of six Black Catholics—women and men who the Church believes have saintly potential.

Read "Who will be the first Black Catholic saint from the United States?" at https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2021/01/21/black-catholic-saints-united-states-239730

America Video

With a growing shortage of priests, some Catholic parishes are thinking creatively about alternative models of pastoral ministry. Meet Elizabeth Simcoe, a lay woman appointed by her bishop to run St. Vincent de Paul parish in Albany, NY. It's a demanding job that requires strong leadership and the ability to collaborate and listen. It's about being "pastoral" which isn't an attitude reserved only for ordained priests.

FaithFaith in Focus
Simcha Fisher
Here is a little story about how I left the church, sort of, and then came slouching back home, more or less.
Pope Francis walks past artwork showing the dome of St. Peter's Basilica and two doves during his general audience at the Vatican in this Aug. 8, 2018, file photo. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
In a book on the health of the popes, Francis discusses his own health history and says he is now in good health for his age.
FaithFaith in Focus
Joseph McAuley
Rev. Enda McDonagh served the Irish church as a compassionate priest and renowned theologian. He died on Feb. 24.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Michelle Smith
George Balanchine's jarring choreography breathes new life into a parable that itself upends expectations.
Joseph Hammond - Religion News Service
A suburban Texas church is helping a nearby mosque recover from the devastating snowstorms that hit last week.
The political commentator Candace Owens, one of the Black Republicans who became more prominent during the Trump administration, speaks at the 2018 Young Women's Leadership Summit, in Dallas. (Gage Skidmore, Peoria, Ariz., via Wikimedia Commons)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Corey D. Fields
The G.O.P. realizes it must become more diverse, writes Corey D. Fields, but it has become increasingly intolerant of Black Republicans who talk about racial justice, even in a conservative framework.
Politics & SocietyInterviews
William Critchley-Menor, S.J.
American Jesuit histories often minimize the important contributions that enslaved people made.
Tucker Redding, S.J.
Pray with your imagination during the season of Lent.
FaithFaith in Focus
Sister Luisa Derouen
I testify to you that transgender people are who they say they are.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Erika Bachiochi
By requiring abortion to be funded by states and covered by insurers as “health care,” the Equality Act would only further incentivize employers to prefer abortion for their pregnant employees over far more costly accommodations for parenting.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Greg KellyDaniel E. Flores
The recovery will be lengthy, and while we desperately need immediate relief, we must also seek long-term systemic change.
Sts. Paul and Peter Catholic Church in Baie-Saint-Paul, near Quebec City. (CNS photo/Philippe Vaillancourt, Presence)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Dean Dettloff
“A prophetic church like [the one sought by Pope Francis], highlighting social justice and solidarity with the destitute and the persecuted, has the potential of closing the chasm between the church and the modern, secular culture of Quebec.”
Arts & CultureBooks
James T. Keane
The death of cultural icon Lawrence Ferlinghetti on Monday reminds us of the many artists and writers he influenced and was influenced by—including Thomas Merton.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
In the cross of Christ, God sunders God’s self to draw us and those whom we love into God’s life, which is pure relationship, a love that precedes existence.
Photo composite: AP/America
Politics & SocietyThe Moral Economy
John W. Miller
We live in the age of the aging, and our capitalist economy is struggling to cope.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
J.D. Long García
Meanwhile, Sister Carol Keehan, who led the Catholic Health Association for 14 years, called Becerra “a leader whose character is rooted in his Catholic upbringing and values.”